
vendredi 19 octobre 2012

Sunday Selection-Nancy Natale

Sunday Selection-Nancy Natale:
Nancy Natale "Cinch"
Painted paper and cardboard, book pages,
metal, pigment stick, encaustic on birch
30" x 40" x 1.75"
These encaustic mixed media works of Nancy Natale are quite amazing. I wish I could see her show in Boston right now. Check out Joanne Mattera's review of her show at Arden Gallery that runs until July 30. Nancy creates such rich complex surfaces that are impressive. Please check out her lovely website where she has great close up detail shots of her pieces. Nancy also writes an informative blog  Art in the Studio.
"Nancy Natale" Red Passage
Painted paper and cardboard, book parts,
metal, rubber, tacks, pigment stick,
tacks and encaustic on three joined
24" x 60" x 1.75"
Nancy Natale "Promised Land"
Book parts, painted paper and cardboard,
recycled rubber, patinated metal, tacks
- with encaustic paint on joined birch
27"H x 42"W x 1.75"D
Nancy Natale "Blur"
Book parts, painted paper, staples,
oilstick - with encaustic paint on birch
12" x 12" x 1.75"
Nancy Natale"Red No. 1"
Painted paper and cardboard, book parts,
metal, pigment stick, encaustic on panel
10" x 8" 1.5"

Ubirr Wet Season

Ubirr Wet Season:


Ink and Acrylic on Canvas.

1800 x 1200

mercredi 17 octobre 2012

Mini Series 2012-03, ORIGINAL Contemporary Abstract Painting by Elizabeth Chapman

Mini Series 2012-03, ORIGINAL Contemporary Abstract Painting by Elizabeth Chapman:

'Mini Series 2012-03"
Acrylic on 6" x 5" 140lb. acrylic paper

Ready to frame

These mini's where all created with a palette knife...and yes there are more to post!

To see more abstracts please visit my website: HERE

Elizabeth Chapman
Contemporary Abstract Artist

lundi 15 octobre 2012

Nancy Jo Corderman – Digital Abstracts

Nancy Jo Corderman – Digital Abstracts:

My Little Butterfly Artist Spotlight
Nancy Jo Corderman
- Abstract Digital Painting

(from top to bottom)

My Little Butterfly
New Skies
January’s End Two

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Copyright and Graham Matthews Abstract Art Not to be reprinted without permission.

Leonardo da Vinci Art – What Lessons Can We Learn?

Leonardo da Vinci Art – What Lessons Can We Learn?:
leonardodavinci self portraitThere are very few artists who have had an affect on the art-world (and society) as much as Leonardo da Vinci. But Da Vinci only completed 6 major paintings during his life. Despite this, he had a full life-long career as an artist. He was a true innovator in his time, creating thousands of sketches on anatomy, inventions, and more.
There is a lot that modern day artists can learn from Leonardo’s life and art career. We can look at his work and life, and learn how to apply certain lessons in our own art.

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Jacqui Hawk - Coax the Invisible Out and Make it Visible

Jacqui Hawk - Coax the Invisible Out and Make it Visible:
lunar mystery jacqui hawkJacqui Hawk
Boston, USA
Coax the Invisible Out and Make it Visible
Intuitive, Compassionate, Imaginative
Hi, my name is Jacqui Hawk and I'm a mixed media artist from Dunstable (near Boston, USA)originally from Edinburgh, Scotland.
If there was an award for "Dreaming" in school my shelf would have been full of awards! I learned very early on that I was a dreamer and lived 'in my head' for a large part of my day.

Lunar Mystery ©Jacqui Hawk

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Aspens #44, 10"x8", $79.00 Original Contemporary Abstract Aspen, Birch tree Paintings by Contemporary Artist Kimberly Conrad, Art for the CURE 2012

Aspens #44, 10"x8", $79.00 Original Contemporary Abstract Aspen, Birch tree Paintings by Contemporary Artist Kimberly Conrad, Art for the CURE 2012:

Kimberly Conrad Contemporary Artist "Pouring Color Into Your Life"
  Original 8"x10" "poured" acrylic aspen tree expressionism painting on 246 lb acrylic paper.
This painting will fit a standard 8"x10" frame, or my be matted and framed to a larger size. $79.00/Shipping $8.00

 $7.90 will be donated to the Breast Cancer community

dimanche 14 octobre 2012

A New Style

A New Style: I am developing a new style to my Art Journaling. I want to doodle more and do more zen tangling stuff. I had so much fun doing this AJ Spread that I think I'm on the right track. LOL

Don't forget the Big Contest I'm having

Click Here to go to it

You can win a prize from OWSE!!

I'm Linking up with

Head on over their and see some Fantastic Work!

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by.

Robyninski the 927th

THX1612-4 by JLO

THX1612-4 by JLO: Visit My Blog Here Any question, please feel free to contact me at
This peaceful landscape reminds me the old good time when, litte girl, I was flying on my favorite pet Dumbo...

Voici une exposition à laquelle je n'ai pas pu me rendre ...dommage...

Voici une exposition à laquelle je n'ai pas pu me rendre ...dommage...:

Une exposition a été consacrée à Artémisia, première femme peintre dans l'Italie du XVII ème siècle....
plus de détails sur le lien suivant :
